Let’s Talk About Sex - Addressing Sexual Function With Your Patients

Let’s Talk About Sex - Addressing Sexual Function With Your Patients
This course includes
The instructors
The rehabilitation clinician is trained to provide treatment to restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent disability. Sexual activity is a valuable part of a person’s function and can be impacted by physical as well as psycho-social changes that occur in illness and disease processes.
All medical providers should be aware of multiple dimensions of sexual health and also the domains that can be addressed to resume a meaningful sex life and satisfactory sexual experiences.
Pelvic Physical Therapists can be instrumental in addressing the mechanical and ergonomic adaptations needed to participate in sexual relations regardless of multiple system involvement. In addition, clinicians working with patients must also be sensitive and possess cultural competency skills in order to establish successful patient rapport in a very sensitive area of function.
Learning Objectives
This online physiotherapy course brought to you by Pelvic Health Solutions (PHS) and taught by Karen Brandon, covers female and male sexual functions introducing basic anatomic, physiological, and ergonomic considerations, as well as adaptations and rehabilitation after surgical interventions.
The purpose of the course is to educate the health care professionals working in pelvic health in the use of a patient-centred interview, evidence-based evaluative techniques, and treatment approaches for addressing musculoskeletal impairments that affect sexual participation.
We will also discuss how to approach patients with sexual concerns or dysfunction from a biopsychosocial perspective and how to screen for psychosocial and medical conditions that require appropriate referral to other disciplines. The attendee will become familiar with different outcome measures used in sexual medicine.
This course overviews numerous variations in sexual expression so that the therapist can be familiar with same-sex, heterosexual, transgender, and aging populations.
Through completion of this course, participants will:
- Describe and compare/contrast the female and male sexual response cycle.
- Explain the domains of sexual function.
- Identify the origins of sexual attitudes and beliefs.
- List risk factors associated with common sexual dysfunction conditions.
- Understand sexual activity from an anatomic, physiologic and ergonomic perspective.
- Describe orthopedic modifications for ergonomics and body mechanics during sexual activity.
- Understand surgical procedures and pharmacological management of sexual dysfunction.
- Become familiar with the usefulness of FSFI, VQ, Marinoff, Kinsey, PFDI-20 questionnaires.
- Explain the components of interviewing and history taking with sexual conditions.
- Become familiar with the PLLISIT model of addressing sexual concerns.
This online course is for all rehabilitation professionals, including physiotherapists, physiotherapy assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, chiropractors, athletic therapists, exercise therapists, kinesiologists among others.
This course is also relevant for movement specialists, yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and those interested in learning more about pelvic floor health and wellness.
This course is for trained pelvic health physiotherapists with Level I and II, or MD, RN, NP, or Midwife.
The instructors


Pelvic Health Solutions (PHS) is an evidence-based teaching company that aims to educate and empower physiotherapists, healthcare professionals, and everyday people about pelvic health.
PHS was founded in 2010 out of the need to develop pelvic health resources in Ontario at a time when it was an under-serviced health concern. PHS provides continuing education courses, mentoring, and clinical resources for a variety of practitioners with the goal of equipping them to deliver evidence-based, biopsychosocial assessment and treatment of pelvic health problems in our province and abroad.
Our company also exists as a way to connect people experiencing pelvic health concerns to pelvic health physiotherapists in their area. PHS has ultimately blossomed into a community of curious people who are committed to providing hope and healing to those who suffer from pelvic health issues.
Material included in this course
Welcome and Resources!
Who is involved in treating sexual function
Defining Sex & Sexual Behaviour
Why Should We Care About Sexual Function?
Understanding Sexuality - Modern Historical Views
Sexual Health & Activity: Attitudes, Beliefs, Values, Feelings (ABVF)
ABVF Part 1
Assessing Your ABVFs Part 1
Assessing Your ABVFs Part 2
Sexual Response Cycle
Development of an Explanatory Model
How to Identify The Obstacle in a Patient’s Current Sexual Experience to Dramatically Improve their QoL
Identification of Sexual Dysfunction
Healthcare Professionals Role in Identifying Sexual Dysfunction
Healthcare Professionals Role in Identifying Sexual Dysfunction Part 2
How to Illicit a Patients' Story
PLISSIT Model for Assessment of Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual Function Questionnaires
Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI)
Female Sexual Distress Scale (FSFS-R)
Vulvar Questionnaire (VQ)
Sexual Interest & Desire Inventory (SIDI-F)
Male Questionnaires Summary
Physiotherapy Specific Interventions for Sexual Function
Coital Incontinence
Prolapse & Mechanical Sexual Dysfunction
Vaginismus Part 1
Vaginismus Part 2
Pregnancy & Post Partum
Mechanical Back Pain
Hip Replacement
Baby Boomers & Sexual Function
What is Healthy Sexual Function
Alternatives to Penetrative Sex, Vibrators & Lube
Peer Pressure
Working in a Multidisciplinary Team
Sexual Abuse
Relationship Between Sexual Abuse and Sexual Dysfunction Part 1
Relationship Between Sexual Abuse and Sexual Dysfunction Part 2
Sexuality & Disability
Case Studies
Case Sharing Part 1
Case Sharing Part 2
Can I Share A Course With A Friend Or Colleague? How Does The Group Discount Work?
Each course purchase is for a single viewer only, and may not be shared. If you are interested in group/staff viewing, please contact us at support@embodiaapp.com to arrange a group discount code specifically for your group.
The larger the group, the larger the discount. Each individual must purchase separately with the discount code, and agree to the terms and conditions (legal). This provides each participant with their own copy to review at their pace, their own certificate of completion, and the opportunity to interact with colleagues as you all work collectively through the material.
Is a certificate of completion included with this course?
Once you have completed the course, a certificate of completion (including learning hours and course information) will be generated. You can download this certificate at any time. To learn more about course certificates on Embodia please visit this guide.