Climate Change: a contemporary challenge to public health - will physiotherapists sit on the sidelines or take action?

Climate Change: a contemporary challenge to public health - will physiotherapists sit on the sidelines or take action?
This course includes
The instructors
Climate Change: a contemporary challenge to public health - will physiotherapists sit on the sidelines or take action?
Speakers: Dr. Shaun Cleaver, Mathieu Simard
Session Description: Participants in this workshop will collectively identify roles that physiotherapists can play in addressing the climate crisis. The climate crisis is already a major public health concern. To limit the negative health impacts, it is necessary to review our impacts on carbon emissions and the contributions that we can make to promoting health in a changing climate.
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. EDT
Speaker Bio:
Shaun Cleaver is a physiotherapist and postdoctoral fellow at McGill University. He is currently leading a research project about disability-related policy initiatives in Zambia. In this project, Shaun collaborates with a variety of stakeholders to review the process of disability policy development and explore the ways that persons with disabilities in rural areas perceive the policy roll-out. Mathieu Simard is a PhD candidate at McGill University and lecturer at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC). He is currently involved in research projects examining the intersection of structured health vulnerabilities and social justice for persons with disabilities experiencing humanitarian emergencies. His interest to address the climate crisis topic comes from experience working on various components of the disaster cycle.
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Sujet : Les changements climatiques : un défi contemporain pour la santé publique. Est-ce que les physiothérapeutes seront de simples observateurs ou passeront-ils à l’action?
Conférenciers : Dr. Shaun Cleaver Mathieu Simard
Description de la séance : Les participants à cet atelier vont déterminer ensemble les rôles que les physiothérapeutes peuvent jouer pour combattre la crise climatique. La crise climatique est déjà une préoccupation importante de santé publique. Pour limiter les impacts négatifs sur la santé, il est nécessaire d’examiner notre impact sur les émissions de carbone et les contributions que nous pouvons faire pour promouvoir la santé dans un climat change-ant.
Date : mardi 13 octobre 2020
Heure : 19 h 00 – 20 h 00 HAE
Inscription: Gratuite pour les membres de l’ACP; 20 $ pour les non-membres de l’ACP.
The instructors

Material included in this course
Climate Change: A Contemporary Challenge to Public Health
Health Services and the Climate Crisis
Actions Taken in Physio
What Have We Done? What Should We Do?
Closing Questions