Level 1 - BET PhysioPilates Matwork Video Library and Resources

Level 1 - BET PhysioPilates Matwork Video Library and Resources
This course includes
The instructors
Note: This online resource component of the BET PhysioPilates Level 1 course is strictly restricted to participants who have attended the full course which involves online and in-person studio sessions. If interested in learning more about this course, please contact Rochenda Howard at rochenda@betphysiopilates.com.
BET PhysioPilates is a progressive, systematic therapeutic exercise system based on the Pilates method that follows the theoretical and scientific principles of re-training trunk stability, biomechanical balance, and the neuromuscular control of posture and movement. Re-training is guided by the principles of motor control and motor learning theory.
This online resource is for participants who have attended BET PhysioPilates courses. All the exercise content utilized for treatment with this system is included for review purposes. These short video-clips may also be prescribed to patients for follow up home exercises. Additional resources are provided as ongoing support to practitioners in this system.
Disrupted neuro-motor control associated with pain, poor posture or altered biomechanics is a component of many chronic or recurring clinical conditions seen by physiotherapists.
BET PhysioPilates is a progressive, systematic therapeutic exercise system based on the Pilates Method. Musculoskeletal pain syndromes are evaluated in the context of the body functioning as an integrated muscle and movement system, with the control centered in the trunk.
This course is designed to address specific imbalances in neuromuscular control inherent in musculoskeletal dysfunction, facilitating the restoration of balanced posture, trunk stability, and pain-free movement.
The participant will be required to develop competence with the exercise curriculum and thereby benefit from training their own ‘center’ while gaining a unique appreciation of the Power of Posture!
Important Information about Resource Packages on Embodia
This course is a resource package of the BET PhysioPilates matwork presented in Level 1. A resource package is not a complete online course. Rather, this is a compilation of the exercise content taught on the full Level 1 course. You may also prescribe patients BET PhysioPilates exercises and/or education directly through Embodia.
Please note, you must be an Embodia Member (subscriber) to use Embodia with your patients. You can view membership pricing here or contact us at support@embodiaapp.com if you have questions.
This is a resource package that complements the online courses about PhysioPilates by Rochenda Howard. You can find an introduction to the BET PhysioPilates system by clicking on the titles of the courses below:
- An Introduction to the BET PhysioPilates System (Free for Embodia Members)
- In the Studio with the BET PhysioPilates Treatment System (Free for Embodia Members)
The instructors

B.A. (P.E.), B.Sc.P.T., M.Sc.
Rochenda is a Physiotherapist and graduated from the University of Toronto. Additionally, she holds a B.A. in Physical Education (University of Western Ontario) and an M.Sc. Research degree in Rehabilitation Therapy (Queens University, Canada).
Rochenda has a special interest in muscle function and motor learning and in how biomechanical and muscle / movement imbalances contribute to painful conditions. She has continued to pursue this passion for more than 25 years, focusing exclusively on the development of a PILATES–based Physiotherapy treatment system. While living in Hong Kong Rochenda had the privilege to work extensively with Julia Ellis (RBS (TTC), FISTD, ARAD), a gifted ballet teacher, choreographer and Pilates ‘guru’ and together they founded the successful BET Pilates Centre in 1994. They were the first to introduce Pilates in Hong Kong and East Asia and the first in the region to offer an exclusively Pilates –based Physiotherapy approach. In 2013, Rochenda returned to her native Toronto and established a small PhysioPilates clinic in the West- end where she continues to maintain a full-time practice. In 2006, Rochenda published the first rigorously designed research study on a Pilates - based physiotherapy intervention, the results of this study presented at several conferences internationally.
Rochenda is a passionate educator having co-developed the BET Pilates training curriculum and she has been active internationally teaching and mentoring Physiotherapists in this system since 1996.
In her spare time, Rochenda enjoys competitive swimming, outdoor activities, cycling, travel, spending time with her two daughters and a good espresso.
Contact Information: betphysiopilates.com; (647) 748-1889; rochenda@betphysiopilates.com
Material included in this course
Rochenda Rydeard (Howard). Posture Power; ASIAFIT, 2001
Pilates-Based Therapeutic Exercise: Effect on Subjects With Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain and Functional Disability: A Randomized Controlled Trial; J.Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 2006
An Exercise Rehabilitation Approach: Effect on Pelvic Instability in an Elite Triathlete: Case Report; Physiotherapie, 2000
Trainingstherapie nach dem Konzept der Bio- kinetik Exercise Technique in der Rehabilitation eines Elite-Triathleten: Vorstellung des Patienten und Darstellung der Behandlung; Physiotherapie, 2000
Trainingstherapie nach dem Konzept der Bio- kinetik Exercise Technique in der Rehabilitation eines Elite-Triathleten: ein Fallbericht; Physiotherapie, 2000
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: Pilates for low back pain; Yamato et al., 2015, Issue 7
Serratus Anterior Facilitation Supine
Verbal Facilitation of NM Control
What's Next and Suggested Resources
Patient exercises included in this course
Deep Neck Muscle Setting supine 1a (with paper slide / eye gaze): STATIC stabilisation (cervical)
HALF ROLL: Scapular - 2a,2b,2c,2e supine: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
HALF ROLL: Abdominal - 1a,1b,1c: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
BALL: Scapula - 2a, 2b,2c,2e supine: STATIC posture control (cervico-scapular-thoracic)
BALL: Abdominal - 1a, 1b, 1c: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
BALL: Gluteal - 2a, 2b: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Stretches - CYCLIST, supine: STATIC posture control (cervico- scapular - thoracic)
Stretches - scalenes, sitting: STATIC posture control (cervico - scapular - thoracic)
Stretches - SCM, sitting: STATIC posture control (cervico - scapular - thoracic)
Stretches - Upper Trap / Levator, sitting: STATIC posture control (cervico -scapular - thoracic)
Stretches - Pec Major, supine: STATIC posture control (cervico - scapular - thoracic)
Stretches - Lat Dorsi, supine: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Stretches - Quads, prone: STATIC posture control (lumbar-pelvic)
Stretches - QL, side-lying: STATIC posture control (lumbar-pelvic)
Stretches - Hamstrings, supine: STATIC posture control (lumbar-pelvic)
Stretches - TFL, half-kneel: STATIC posture control (lumbar-pelvic)
Stretches - Hip Flexors, side-lying: STATIC posture control (lumbar-pelvic)
Stretches - Psoas, half-kneel: STATIC posture control (lumbar-pelvic)
Deep Neck Muscle Setting supine: STATIC stabilisation (cervical)
Deep Neck Muscle Setting supine 1b (with arm load): STATIC stabilisation (cervical)
Diaphragm - prone: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Diaphragm - supine with self feedback: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 2f Elbow slides on the wall sitting: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 2e Shoulder circumduction (circles) supine: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 2c Shoulder Abd & Add (angel) supine: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 2 mob. / loading prep supine a: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 2 mob. / loading prep sitting: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 2 mob. / loading prep supine b: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 1 mob. / loading prep b: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 1 mob. / loading prep a: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Gluteal - 2f Retiré Progression b: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal - 2g knee flexion: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal - 2d Clam combo progression: STATIC posture control (pelvic).
Gluteal - 2d Reverse Clam : STATIC posture control (pelvic).
Gluteal - 2a Abduction in Sidelying; Flex/Pointe/Beats: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal - 1a Heel Press unilateral with rotation: STATIC posture control (pelvic).
Lumbar Multifidus setting prone: STATIC posture control (lumbar).
Lumbar Multifidus loading prone: STATIC posture control (lumbar).
Gluteal - 2d Clam COMBO drills: STATIC stabilisation (pelvic)
Abdominal - 1a Heel Slide to psoas stretch: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
Scapular - 2a Shoulder flex & ext supine with pole: STATIC posture control(scapular)
Scapular - 2c Shoulder Abd & Add (angel) sitting: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 1c arm float : STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
RESISTANCE CIRCLE: Gluteal 2b Hip Extension: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
RESISTANCE CIRCLE: Scapular Setting Supine: STATIC posture control (scapular)
RESISTANCE CIRCLE - Gluteal Setting, 2a Sidelying: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
RESISTANCE CIRCLE: Gluteal 1a,b Setting & Knee Flexion: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Resistance Circle: Gluteal 2 a,c Bottom Leg Adduction: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
RESISTANCE CIRCLE: Abdominal Setting supine: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
Thoracic Mobilisation - Sphinx: FUNCTIONAL posture control (trunk)
Lumbar Mobilisation: Short Pelvics: FUNCTIONAL posture control (trunk)
Lumbar Mobilisation - Roll-downs: FUNCTIONAL posture control (trunk)
Thoracic Mobilisation - Spider: FUNCTIONAL posture control (trunk)
Thoracic Mobilisation - Rotations: FUNCTIONAL posture control: (trunk)
Thoracic Mobilisation - Diamond: FUNCTIONAL posture control (trunk)
Gluteal Setting supine: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal - 2f Retiré Progression a: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal - 2e Retiré: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal - 2d Clam: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Abdominal - 2c Knee Float & Stretch: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
Abdominal - 2a Heel Slide: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
Abdominal - 2b Knee Opening: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
Scapular - 2e Arm Circumduction (circles) sitting: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 2b Shoulder horizontal flex & ext sitting: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 2a Shoulder flex & ext sitting: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 2d Arm Press sitting: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular Setting sitting- (a)(b): STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 2a Shoulder flex & ext supine: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 2b Shoulder horizontal flex & ext supine: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular Setting supine: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 1a -c slide: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular - 1a Elbow float: STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular Setting prone - (a)(b): STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Scapular Setting prone - (a): STATIC posture control (scapular - thoracic)
Gluteal - 2c Extension + Adduction: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal - 2b Hip Extension: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal - 2a Abduction in Sidelying: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal Setting Sidelying: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal - 1c Leg Float: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal - 1b Knee Flexion: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal - 1a Heel Press: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Gluteal Setting prone: STATIC posture control (pelvic)
Abdominal - 1c Knee Float: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
Abdominal - 1a Heel Slide: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
Abdominal - 1b Knee Opening: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
Abdominal Setting supine: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
Abdominal Setting supine - with Pelvic Neutral: STATIC posture control (lumbar)
This course has exercises. Can I prescribe them to my patients?
Yes, exercises included in courses or resource packages on Embodia can be prescribed directly through the Embodia platform. A Tier 2 or 3 Membership is required to prescribe exercises. These memberships include a range of other features. You can learn about home exercise programs (HEP) on Embodia here, and about memberships on Embodia here.