The Eclectic Approach to Upper & Lower Quarter Assessment & Treatment

The Eclectic Approach to Upper & Lower Quarter Assessment & Treatment
This course includes
The instructors
The Eclectic Approach to Upper & Lower Quarter Assessment & Treatment is a one-of-a-kind online course that introduces and highlights critical aspects of patient engagement and treatment that are often overlooked in most physical therapy schools and traditional continuing education courses.
Modern Manual Therapy's most popular course is finally available in its entirety! Shot and edited professionally, it's the full 2-day course in 26 amazing modules! 11.5 hours of content!
Eligible for 12.5 CEUs - we give you everything you need to submit to your state board for approval.
If you've been following Dr. E online on social media, his podcasts, or blogs, you know that Assessment and Treatment can be simple and doesn't need 5 levels to attain rapid responses from most patients.
Enhance your existing toolbox with an evidence-based framework for assessment and treatment.
Have you been wanting to expand your knowledge by learning a comprehensive assessment and treatment protocol for upper and lower quarter pain and dysfunction? If so, this course will provide you with the assessment and treatment tools for working with the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine as well as the shoulder, elbow, wrists, hip, knee, and ankle.
A comprehensive movement screen and repeated motions will be used as evaluation tools. Home exercises for patients will be covered with an emphasis on patient education and self-treatment.
What this course will cover:
- Evidence-Based Medicine (what it is and isn’t)
- What do patients (people) want?
- A better understanding of pain
- The role of breathing & meditation
- Fundamentals of Therapeutic Exercise (especially in presence of persistent pain)
- Sleep for recovery and performance
- Nutrition
Learning Objectives
- The principles of Eval, Reset, and Stabilize
- Movement Screen and Repeated Motions based evaluation
- Neurodynamic testing median, radial, ulnar nerves and sciatic and femoral nerves
- Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage (IASTM) with the EDGE Tool
- Neurodynamic treatment
- Functional mobilization of the hip, knee, and ankle
- Home exercises, repeated motions based resets and using the EDGE Mobility Bands
- An emphasis on patient education and self-treatment
Note: this course is fully online and is digital-only like all our media. Upon purchase, you will immediately receive instructions on how to watch and get your handouts to follow along. Minutiae Not Included!
Have you ever thought.....
- I can't "feel" what I'm supposed to feel
- SIJ Palpation tests are the most unintuitive things ever invented
- if a patient presents in pain, why is it ok to have painful treatments?
- I just learned 100 techniques and 60 different types of assessments, NOW WHAT?
Then Modern Manual Therapy is for you! We use current evidence, updated and simple screens that lead to patient empowering self-assessments and treatments. If you want to make a rapid change in most patients, you need to educate them, not use more passive care.
PT, MD, DO, ATC, MT, and everyone interested in the Manual Therapy approach.
US CEU Approval
This online course is approved for 12.5 CEUs for Physical Therapists in 39 US States. The US States that this course has been approved for can be found here.
In order to qualify for the CEUs, you must complete the entire course and pass the exam.
Further details are included in the course.
The instructors

Dr. Erson Religioso III, DPT, MS, MTC, CertMDT, CFC, FMS, FMT, FAAOMPT, is a fellowship trained cash based PT practice owner, entrepreneur, blogger, and sought after lecturer in the topic of Modern Manual Therapy. He has a #CashPT Practice in the Buffalo, NY area, EDGE Rehab and Sports Science, where he specializes in TMD, headaches, spinal care, runners, gymnasts, and chronic pain. His focus is seeing the patient as little as possible, and empowering them with education, self assessment and treatment strategies.
Dr. Religioso is adjunct faculty of SUNY at Buffalo, where he teaches orthopaedic manual physical therapy in the DPT program. He also developed a line of manual therapy, mobility, fitness, strength, and rehab products along with pain science education materials at The EDGE Mobility System.
Modern Manual Therapy - The Eclectic Approach is Dr. Religioso’s line of seminars for clinicians that are taught online and in live venues around the world. The Eclectic Approach started with Modern Manual Therapy, and has expanded to include Modern Strength Training, and Modern Patient Education.
Dr. E is now offering his services as both an online clinical mentor to clinicians at Modern Rehab Mastery, travelling OMPT Fellowship mentor, online patient consultations, and online business and social media consultation, #CashPT start up with LeBauer Consulting. He also is part of media company, UpDoc Media, with 2 podcasts, Therapy Insiders and Untold Physio Stories.
Erson is a family man, married to the best woman in the world, and currently has 5 beautiful children. He enjoys running with them, watching them in competitive gymnastics and watching Disney/Pixar movies. He is also a huge tech geek and loves all things Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek. If you see Dr. E out and about, or at a seminar, ask him to grab a beer or coffee and talk about shop or anything!
Material included in this course
MMT Lecture
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Modern Manual Therapy
Review - Q&A
Movement Screen and Repeated Motion Exam
Cervical Clinical Practice Patterns
Shoulder and Thoracic Patterns
Shoulder and Thoracic Patterns part 2
Upper Quarter Neurodynamics
Upper Quarter Neurodynamics Part 2
Upper Quarter Positional Inhibition
Cervical Loading Strategies in NWB
Cervical Problem Solving
Cervical Problem Solving part 2
UQ Positional Inhibition Part 2
Troubleshooting Overhead Mobility
Lumbar and Hip Clinical Practice Patterns
Squat and Ankle Clinical Practice Patterns
Tibial Practice Patterns
Knee Patterns
Breathing Assessment and Hip Inhibition
Hip and Neurodynamics
Lumbar Problem Solvin
Lateral Chain Arm Pull Test and Leg Stability
Low Threshold Isometrics
US CEU Certificate Information & Test
Bonus Content (Added Sept 2024)
MMT Pro Tip The Cup of Recovery
Sustained Cervical Extension
LTI for UQ and LQ