Level 2 - CorticoNeuromuscular Re-education of Posture Control: Theory

Level 2 - CorticoNeuromuscular Re-education of Posture Control: Theory
This course includes
The instructors
BET PhysioPilates is an established, systematic, evidence-informed therapeutic exercise system based on the Pilates method and has been used successfully globally for the past 30 years.
This system offers a unique lens for assessing and treating altered postural control mechanisms inherent in musculoskeletal pain conditions.
It teaches how to work with the body’s cortico-neuromuscular system to correct ‘neuro-biomechanical’ imbalances that can contribute to chronic or recurring pain.
Course Objectives
In this online course, you will:
- Deepen your understanding of the theoretical and scientific base supporting the BET PhysioPilates system and its application to physiotherapy interventions.
- Gain more insight into this systematic, scientific and evidence-based approach to corrective exercise utilizing a Pilates-based intervention. Its' supporting theoretical concepts will be developed by tapping further into 'neurological mechanisms'.
- Learn the background theory for progression in this system when Pilates-based exercise is used to correct mechanical and neurological dysfunctions that underpin many musculoskeletal pain syndromes.
- Gain context for the Level 2 Mat exercises and the theoretical rationale behind the progression of posture control and movement training in this system.
Course Content
Supporting theoretical concepts:
- Motor Learning and Control
- Motor Imagery and Dance Imagery
- Normal Motor Development
- Neuroplasticity
- Trunk Stabilisation treatment progressions: Static Posture Control progressed
- Dynamic Posture Control training
- Functional Posture Control training
- Pilates concept of ‘Centring’
Course Audience
Physical Medicine Health Care Practitioners
Completion of Level 1 Mat
The instructors

B.A. (P.E.), B.Sc.P.T., M.Sc.
Rochenda is a Physiotherapist and graduated from the University of Toronto. Additionally, she holds a B.A. in Physical Education (University of Western Ontario) and an M.Sc. Research degree in Rehabilitation Therapy (Queens University, Canada).
Rochenda has a special interest in muscle function and motor learning and in how biomechanical and muscle / movement imbalances contribute to painful conditions. She has continued to pursue this passion for more than 25 years, focusing exclusively on the development of a PILATES–based Physiotherapy treatment system. While living in Hong Kong Rochenda had the privilege to work extensively with Julia Ellis (RBS (TTC), FISTD, ARAD), a gifted ballet teacher, choreographer and Pilates ‘guru’ and together they founded the successful BET Pilates Centre in 1994. They were the first to introduce Pilates in Hong Kong and East Asia and the first in the region to offer an exclusively Pilates –based Physiotherapy approach. In 2013, Rochenda returned to her native Toronto and established a small PhysioPilates clinic in the West- end where she continues to maintain a full-time practice. In 2006, Rochenda published the first rigorously designed research study on a Pilates - based physiotherapy intervention, the results of this study presented at several conferences internationally.
Rochenda is a passionate educator having co-developed the BET Pilates training curriculum and she has been active internationally teaching and mentoring Physiotherapists in this system since 1996.
In her spare time, Rochenda enjoys competitive swimming, outdoor activities, cycling, travel, spending time with her two daughters and a good espresso.
Contact Information: betphysiopilates.com; (647) 748-1889; rochenda@betphysiopilates.com
Material included in this course
CorticoNeuromuscular Re-education of Posture Control: Theory
Slides: Introduction to Level 2 and Level 1 Re-Cap
Video: Introduction to Level 2 and Level 1 Re-Cap
Slides: Motor Control / Motor Learning
Video: Motor Control / Motor Learning
Slides: Motor Learning and the Use of Imagery in Pilates-Based Approaches
Video: Motor Learning and the Use of Imagery in Pilates-Based Approaches
Slides: Motor Control and Basic Principles of Normal Motor Development
Video: Motor Control and Basic Principles of Normal Motor Development
Slides: Motor Control and Basic Principles of Cortical Neural Plasticity
Video: Motor Control and Basic Principles of Cortical Neural Plasticity