Dynamic Core for Kids: Stability in Action

Dynamic Core for Kids: Stability in Action
This course includes
The instructors
This 15-hour course is designed to equip pediatric rehabilitation professionals with the knowledge, clinical reasoning, and tools to apply a systems based, neuromuscular central control framework to the specific needs of a variety of neurodiverse children: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Cerebral Palsy (CP), Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), hypotonia, and more.
The primary course content is divided into 2 days.
Day 1:
Clinicians will be introduced to a neuromuscular, systems approach to central control (Core Strategy) that is distinct from traditional concepts of core strength. This integrative model uses the diaphragm and breathing mechanics as an access point for central control (aka core stability). This attainable and relevant starting point for pediatric populations impacts multiple intertwined systems including postural control, balance, sensory processing, emotional regulation, and functional gross and fine motor skills.
The development of and challenges to central control in neurotypical and neurodiverse populations are discussed.
A specific assessment model of the elements of the central control system (diaphragm, abdominal wall, pelvic floor, and pressure system) is provided. An intertwined understanding of the influence of alignment and external support to optimize the availability of the elements of this system is demonstrated.
Day 2:
Participants will learn to integrate Core Strategy into treatment, movement, and functional activities that have immediate application to a variety of clinical settings (direct treatment, school, and home programs).
Case presentations and small group learning will promote concept synthesis and clinical reasoning to implement Core Strategy in clients of differing ages (preschoolers age 2+, school age and teens) and diagnoses.
Participants will also discuss how to integrate Core Strategy Techniques with Neuro-Developmental Treatment handling skills and sensory processing intervention to support a greater range of clients.
Learning Objectives
In this online course, we will:
- Describe the difference between a neuromuscular, systems approach to dynamic central control (‘Core Strategy’) and the traditional musculoskeletal, strength-based concept of ‘core stability’.
- Articulate the differences in the development of Core Strategy between neurotypical and neurodiverse children.
- Identify the contribution of an efficient and effective core strategy to the development of emotional regulation.
- Evaluate the behaviour and function of the diaphragm, transversus abdominis, pelvic floor, and intra-abdominal pressure system, both as individual components and collectively as an interconnected deep central control system.
- Develop a well-reasoned thought process to individualize a treatment strategy that balances and encourages teamwork for elements of the deep central control system.
- Provide alignment cueing and external support options to optimize the availability of the elements of the deep central control system.
- Utilize breath mechanics strategies as a pediatric-friendly entry point to access and encourage teamwork in the deep central control system and support movement and function.
- Implement clinical strategies that integrate a deep to superficial framework of neuromuscular system integration as an underpinning for function, balance, and gross and fine motor skills.
This course is intended for rehabilitation professionals. The course focus on clinical assessment, clinical reasoning and treatment strategy falls under the scope of rehabilitative intervention. Other professionals enter into this for informational purposes only to be understood and applied within their state/jurisdictional scope of practice.
The instructors

PT, DPT Clinician/Educator
Julie Wiebe, PT, DPT (she/her) has over twenty-five years of clinical experience in Sports Medicine and Pelvic Health, specializing in abdominopelvic, pregnancy and postpartum health for fit and athletic populations. Her passion is to return active patients to fitness and sport after injury and pregnancy and equip professionals to do the same. She has pioneered an integrative approach to promote pelvic health in and through movement and fitness. These strategies have been successfully incorporated by medical providers, rehab practitioners and fitness professionals into a variety of populations (ortho/sports medicine, pelvic health, neurology, and pediatrics).
A published author, Dr. Wiebe is a sought after speaker to provide continuing education and lectures internationally at clinics, academic institutions, conferences and professional organizations. She provides direct care to fit and athletic populations through telehealth and her clinical practice. Recently, Dr. Wiebe joined the faculty of the University of Michigan-Flint, a welcomed opportunity to pursue both her educational and research goals to promote optimized care in clinical practice across the continuum.

PT, BSc , BHSc
Shelley Mannell is a Physical Therapist with over 30 years experience serving babies, children, and adolescents across a spectrum of neurological and developmental disabilities. She integrates a broad range of clinical skills and research to provide innovative neurobiology-informed treatment of children with movement disorders. Shelley founded HeartSpace Physical Therapy for Children in order to support clients and families as they matured through the lifespan.
Shelley began teaching as a clinical faculty member in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University and remains committed to improving the care for children through clinical research and education. Shelley is certified in both NDT and SI. She is also a children’s yoga and meditation facilitator and the co-creator of Dynamic Core for Kids, an evidence-based approach to central stability for children with motor and sensory challenges. Shelley also provides mentoring to therapists world-wide through her blog and her online program. As a respected international speaker, Shelley discusses the dynamic systems nature of the development of postural control and its application to assessment and intervention for children with sensory and motor challenges.
Material included in this course
START HERE with a Hello! from Julie and Shelley and an orientation to the flow of the course. Enjoy!
Pre-Course Prep
Anatomical Connections to the Diaphragm - Bordoni et al (pdf)
Anatomy Review (pdf)
Anterior/Posterior Translations of the Thoracic Cage - Harrison et al (pdf)
Equipment Needed to Enhance the Online Experience (pdf)
Handout (pdf)
Bibliography (pdf)
Module 1: Foundational Concepts
Module 1: Foundational Concepts
Module 1 Feedback
Module 2: Developmental Considerations
Module 2: Developmental Considerations
Module 2 Feedback
Module 3: Alignment Concepts
Module 3: Alignment Concepts
Module 3 Feedback
Module 4: Integrated Systems: Diaphragm
Module 4: Integrated Systems: Diaphragm
Module 4 Feedback
Day 2: Concept Review/Q and A
Day 2: Concept Review/ Q and A
Concept Review Feedback
Module 5: Integrated Systems: Pelvic Floor
Module 5: Integrated Systems: Pelvic Floor
Module 5 Feedback
Module 6: Connecting the Synergists
Module 6: Connecting the Synergists
Module 6 Feedback
Module 7: Rotation
Module 7: Rotation
Module 7 Feedback
Module 8: Clinical Applications (Case Studies)
Module 8: Introduction to Case Studies for Online Participants
Module 8: Clinical Applications
Module 8 Feedback
Module 9: Special Populations
Module 9: Special Populations
Module 9 Feedback
Post-Course Exam
Post-Course Exam
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Have content or tech questions? Want more info and conversation?
Next Steps: Course Completion Certificates and CEUs
US Based PTs/PTA Pursuing CEUs
International Physios and Other Health Professionals Certificate of Completion
Post-Course Evaluation
Is a certificate of completion included with this course?
Once you have completed the course, a certificate of completion (including learning hours and course information) will be generated. You can download this certificate at any time. To learn more about course certificates on Embodia please visit this guide.
Is this course eligible for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for PTs and PTAs in the US?
This course is currently accepted in most US states for 15 contact hours. However, there are several jurisdictions not included - please refer to this document from RHE for more information about the jurisdictions not included.
In addition to the aforementioned jurisdictions, courses approved by other state boards & APTA chapters will be accepted for licensure credit in all the jurisdictions listed on this webpage, pursuant to regulation: www.redefinehealthed.com/ceuinfo.
If you have a specific question about CE credit for this course in your state, please direct your inquiry including the course title in which you are interested, to info@redefinehealthed.com.
Please note that you will receive a certificate of completion from Embodia; however, you require the certificate from RHE to submit for your CEUs. Additional information is available in the course