APTEI: Dismantling Body Shaming and the Weight-Loss Culture
Dismanteling Body Shaming
3: Questioning the weight scale & BMI
4: The Sickening history of dieting
Quiz 1: Dismanteling body shaming
Feedback on section #1
Dismanteling the Weight-loss culture
5: STOP calorie counting
6: Trying to lose weight is a losing game
7: Exercise with focus on GAINING
8: The harms of social media, comparison & envy
Quiz 2: Dismanteling the weight-loss culture
Feedback on section #2
Dismanteling dieting
9: Physical versus Emotional Hunger
10: Intermittant Fasting: Good or Bad?
11: My top 10 suggestions for Optimal Exercise
12: How hungry am I?
13: My top 10 suggestions on optimal diet
Quiz 3: Dismanteling dieting
Feedback on section #3