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65 Roses - The Flowers, Thorns & Buds of Cystic Fibrosis & Physiotherapy

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  • 65 Roses - The Flowers, Thorns & Buds of Cystic Fibrosis & Physiotherapy
  • CFTR Gene
  • Complications of CF
  • Newborn Screening and Diagnosis
  • CF Clinic Visit Assessments
  • Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis
  • Goals of Airway Clearance
  • Active Cycle of Breathing and Autogenic Drainage
  • ACTs: Challenges and Considerations
  • How to Intercept the Vicious Cycle
  • Infection Control
  • Adherence
  • What is Trikafta?
  • How Does CFTR Modulators Influence the Physiotherapy Role?
  • Summary
  • Feedback
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