Centralized Sensitization - Prognosis, Evaluation & Clinical Implications for Chronic MSK Pain

Centralized Sensitization - Prognosis, Evaluation & Clinical Implications for Chronic MSK Pain
This course includes
The instructors
Central Sensitization is frequently encountered when managing people with chronic pain and is associated with poor response to physiotherapy and poor prognosis.
This online course will provide a review of processes underpinning central sensitization, together with subjective and practical skills to fully evaluate the somatosensory system.
This will provide a clinically reasoned framework for the delivery of appropriate physiotherapeutic treatment options.
Dr. Ashley Smith
Ashley completed his undergraduate physiotherapy studies at LaTrobe University and his PhD at the University of Queensland in Australia. His PhD, post-doctoral and current research evaluates mechanisms underlying persistent pain in people with whiplash-associated disorders. In particular, his studies investigate whether clinical features associated with persistent pain can be modulated, with a specific interest in the role of nociception and orthobiologic therapies.
Ashley also enjoys being surrounded by a team of passionate health care providers in an interdisciplinary clinic, to assist people with chronic musculoskeletal pain improve their health-related quality of life. Outside of work responsibilities, Ashley enjoys the outdoors, especially when shared with his family.
Dr. Geoff Schneider
Dr. Schneider is a clinical specialist in musculoskeletal physiotherapy at Evidence Sport and Spinal Therapy in Calgary, Alberta. Geoff is an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Radiology, Cumming School of Medicine, at the University of Calgary. He also holds adjunct faculty appointments at Andrews University and the University of British Columbia in their respective Departments of Physical Therapy. Geoff completed his physiotherapy training from McMaster University and became a Fellow in Manual and Manipulative Therapy (FCAMPT) in 2002. Geoff completed his doctoral studies (DSc) from Andrews University.
His research involved cervical spine facet joint mediated pain and its effect on sensory hypersensitivity in chronic whiplash patients. He is a co-developer and instructor of a modular-based, evidence-based course in the management of whiplash-associated disorders. He completed his PhD (focus in clinical epidemiology) at the University of Calgary in the Faculty of Medicine with his research involving the derivation of a clinical prediction guide in the diagnosis of facet joint mediated pain in the cervical spine. Geoff was awarded a CIHR doctoral research award Canada Graduate Scholarship. Geoff has published numerous peer-reviewed papers in the area of musculoskeletal pain. He completed a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta.
This online course is available to all healthcare professionals. It is brought to you by the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA).
This course was recorded at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress in May 2022.
The instructors

Material included in this course
Centralized Sensitization - Prognosis, Evaluation & Clinical Implications for Chronic MSK Pain
Part 1
Part 2