Stop Hurting Women With Exercise Part 2 - Another 5 Key Concepts To Help Female Athletes

Stop Hurting Women With Exercise Part 2 - Another 5 Key Concepts To Help Female Athletes
This course includes
The instructors
Have you ever wondered if your advice is harming women who want to exercise?
We were taught to "do no harm" but what if the things we have been taught actually do MORE harm than we think?
I have found that identifying and then challenging Biases And Assumptions (BAAs) as well as my Beliefs, Attitudes, Meaning, and Stories (BAMS) has helped me understand how I can help empower women with pelvic floor conditions to achieve their goals and remain as evidence-based as possible.
This course will deal with 5 common beliefs that I held and how in flipping the way we look at the issue, we can help generate change, relieve the pressure we feel from being the one to "solve their problems" and continue to promote an evidence-based approach to helping female athletes of all ages and abilities navigate around the various issues they face - to meet them where they are at.
When we consider the research as well as thinking outside the pelvis, there are many reasons we might be able to flip the script on the advice we give people.
Let me tell you about Julie, someone who actually subluxed her SIJ (verified on X-Ray), and also has pelvic organ prolapse amongst other things. She had debilitating symptoms from carrying her 1-year-old child 100-200m but no symptoms when running or carrying her 6-year-old child...I'll just let that sink in for a second...what would you say is going on?
Obviously, Julie isn't making her symptoms up - why would she?! So if it isn't in her head, what is it?
The 5 Key Concepts I will be presenting in this course will take you through Julie's story and how you can help female athletes just like her.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Identify some of your own biases and assumptions about female athletes and exercises
- Determine areas of your work that may require reframing to ensure you are truly empowering the person who is seeking your assistance
- Develop simple but effective changes in your thinking, knowledge, assessment and management skills to help your female athletes even more than you do now
- Recognize different attitudes towards higher intensity exercises and what to do about them
- Implement these changes with your next female athlete client
This course with Antony Lo is for all health and fitness professionals who work with female athletes and who want to further develop their skillset.
The instructors

B.App.Sc.(Physio)(USyd)., Master in Manual Therapy (UWA)
Antony Lo is a physiotherapist from Australia and runs The Physio Detective service. He earned his degree from the University of Sydney and has been in practice since 1997.
He completed his post-graduate masters in Manual Therapy (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy) from the University of Western Australia and commenced his Specialisation training in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy.
He has been involved with treating CrossFit athletes since 2011 and has helped some of the world’s best CrossFitters at the highest levels through to beginners of all ages. He loves and participates in CrossFit and is a strong advocate for the sport. Through participation and through his work as a Physiotherapist at all levels of CrossFit, he has developed a model of treatment that utilises the best from Sports Science, Musculoskeletal/Sports Physiotherapy, Pain Science, and Women’s Health research to provide a realistic holistic model of care balancing the biopsychosocial model of healthcare.
He is NOT an employee of CrossFit, he does not represent or work for them in any way and his views and opinions are entirely his own. He holds a CrossFit level 1 – Trainer Certificate and is a CrossFit Football Coach/Consultant (now CrossFit Sports Specific Application). Antony has a wife and 3 beautiful children in the best city in the world – Sydney, Australia!
Material included in this course
Stop Hurting Women With Exercise Part 2 - Another 5 Key Concepts To Help Female Athletes
What's Changed?
Julie's Story
Client-Led / Directed Care
Principles, Not Recipes
It's Not About You
The Next Logical Step
Bonus Content - Julie's Consult and Follow-Ups
Julie - Part 1
Julie - Part 2
Julie - Part 3
Julie - Part 4
Julie - Part 5
Julie - Part 6
Julie - Part 7
Julie - Part 8
Julie - Part 9
Julie - Full Consult (Optional)
Julie - Follow Up 1
Julie - Follow Up 2
Julie - Follow Up 3
Julie - Antony's Thoughts Webinar
Julie - Q and A Session
Julie - Conclusion and Sneak Peek Video