Women in France Don't Pee Their Pants When They Laugh, Do Your Patients?
Are you a pelvic health practitioner, want to learn more about pelvic health, or want to know why women in France don't pee when they laugh? Then this blog is for you.

Cervical and Lumbar Spine Assessment Resource
Get your free cervical & lumbar spine assessment resource to improve your ability to assess patients with suspected cervical or lumbar radiculopathy/myelopathy.

Demystifying Squatting Techniques for the Female Athlete
Use the anatomy of the female pelvis and knowledge of pelvic health to debunk popular myths about proper squatting technique for women.

HCAI Glossary for Ontario Physical Therapists
Do you see motor vehicle accident (MVA) patients in Ontario? Health Claims for Auto Insurance codes can be confusing. Simplify with our free HCAI codes package! ,

A Superbill Glossary for Physical Therapists: Your Go-To Cheat-Sheet for Your Cash-Based Practice
Streamline billing with our Superbill glossary! This guide simplifies ICD-10 & CPT for your physical therapy practice to save time & reduce errors.

Pain, Interrupted: Empower Your OT Practice with ACT & CBT
Unlock the power of ACT and CBT in chronic pain management for OTs. Explore psychological flexibility, the biopsychosocial model, and more practical strategies.

GreenShield Canada & providerConnect: Embodia's Newest Direct Billing Integration
Say goodbye to billing headaches with Embodia's newest direct insurance billing integration with GreenShield and providerConnect!

Embodia’s HCAI Integration Helps Psychologists Provide the Care their MVA Patients Need
Motor vehicle accidents are a high burden for Canada. Psychologists play a big role in helping to ease this burden. Learn how Embodia and HCAI can support you.

4 Reasons to Sell Packages, Memberships & Gift Certificates
Learn how selling packages, memberships, and gift certificates to your patients can benefit your practice! Learn how easy it can be on Embodia.

Yoga and Science in Pain Care - Yoga as a Path to Living Well With Chronic Pain
In Part 15 of this multi-blog series, based on the Yoga & Science in Pain Care book club, Anna DiMarco discusses yoga as a path to living well with chronic pain.

Yoga and Science in Pain Care - Compassionate Pain Care: Where Science & Humanity Merge
In Part 14 of this multi-blog series, based on the Yoga & Science in Pain Care book club, Anna DiMarco discusses compassion and yoga for compassionate pain care.

Resource Blog: Patient Education for Healthy Bowel Movements
Get you our Comprehensive Bowel Health patient resource package, including full-page infographics. The bundle is free to download or practitioner members can add to their starred education!