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Train the Trainer Part 2 - Create your Course on Embodia

How to Set the Price of your Course
Setting the price of your course
Donation feature

To set the price of your course, go to Edit settings > Pricing. The price will initially show as $0 (making the course free). 

Setting the price for your course


Once you set a price for your course, additional options will be displayed. An explanation of each is below the image.

Setting the price of your course

Discount cost:
if you would like to offer a discount on your course, you can set the discounted price here as well as when the discounted price should start and end.

Pre purchase access duration: if you would like to provide people with access to your course as a trial before they purchase it, set a pre purchase access duration. For example, a 1-day pre purchase access duration will provide people with free access to your course for 1 day.

Purchase access duration: you can choose for how long your course attendees have access to your course after purchase. If you leave this field blank, course attendees will have lifetime access. Learn more about purchase access duration in this lesson.

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