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Gait: Clinical Observation and Orthotic Intervention - PART 2

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  • 1. Welcome and Review
  • Welcome and Review of Part 1
  • Review: Gait cycle overview handout
  • Gait cycle review quiz
  • One size does not fit all : An Introduction to individualized AFO prescription
  • Welcome survey
  • Course handout
  • 2. Introduction to orthoses
  • Orthoses
  • Types of AFOs
  • Kane, Priebe, & Barden, 2008 Effects of ESR AFOs on gait in individuals with CP
  • Review: General types of AFOs
  • The angle of the ankle in an AFO: Why does it matter?
  • AFO types quiz
  • Lesson 2 feedback (Introduction to Orthoses)
  • 3. Mechanisms of Action of an AFO
  • Review: Biomechanical mechanisms of action of an AFO
  • Mechanisms of action and the GRF
  • Mechanisms of action and the GRF: The GRF in gait
  • Mechanisms of action and the GRF magic wand exercise
  • Mechanisms of action and the GRF part 4: Biomechanical mechanisms
  • Mechanisms of action - Quiz
  • Comparison of GRAFOs and hinged AFOs for a child with meningomyelocele (see paper in the PDF below for optional supplementary detail)
  • Comparison of GRAFOs and articulated AFOs in a child with myelomeningocele (Paper - supplementary information for video above)
  • Lesson 3 feedback (Mechanisms of Action)
  • 4. Individualized AFO prescription decisions: Goals, Type and Design
  • State of current prescription practices and recommendations
  • Collaboration and goal setting practices for orthotic intervention
  • Survey - goal setting in practice
  • Goals and the ICF- Quiz
  • Decisions about AFO type and design: Part 1
  • Comparison of dorsiflexion motion allowed by solid and flexible AFOs for children with CP and equinus
  • Decisions about AFO type and design: Part 2
  • Survey - Reflections on AFO design
  • Lesson 4 feedback (Individualizing AFO type and design)
  • 5. Individualized AFO prescription decisions: Design (Ankle angle in the AFO, assessment)
  • The angle of the ankle in the AFO
  • Individualizing the ankle angle in the AFO: Effects at the knee
  • Decisions about the ankle angle in the AFO (Part 1)
  • Decisions about the angle of the ankle in the AFO (Part 2)
  • Decisions about the ankle angle in the AFO (Part 3)
  • Worksheet: Considerations for determining the ankle angle in the AFO
  • Quiz: individualized AFO design
  • Lesson 5 feedback (individualized design: AA-AFO)
  • 6. Individualized AFO prescription decisions: Optimization considerations and practices
  • ABCs of AFOs: A review of key concepts and introduction to this lesson
  • Individualizing trimlines and other design features (Part 1)
  • Individualizing trimlines and other design features (Part 2)
  • Quiz - Matching AFO-FC design and the individual (Open accompanying PDF below)
  • "Matching the AFO-FC design and the individual" worksheet (Accompanies Quiz)
  • Definitions and overview of the AFO-FC tuning literature
  • Reflections on "tuning" the AFO-FC
  • Considerations for tuning
  • Tuning considerations continued (footwear modifications for AFO-footwear combinations)
  • Quiz -- AFO design features and optimization
  • Lesson 6 feedback (Optimizing and evaluating AFO-FCs)
  • 7. Evaluating and optimizing the AFO-FC
  • Evaluating AFO-FCs
  • Evaluation part 2
  • Quiz - Evaluating and optimizing the AFO-FC
  • Gait observation and orthotic evaluation worksheet for case studies
  • Case study 1 (Excessive knee flexion in stance phase), part 1: Barefoot gait
  • Case study 1 part 2: Physical examination findings and current AFOs
  • Case study 1 part 3: Evaluating and tuning the new AFO-FC
  • Case study 2 (Excessive knee extension in stance phase) part 1: Barefoot gait and physical examination
  • Case study 2, part 2: Current hinged AFOs and clinical decision-making
  • Case study 2, part 3: Evaluation and tuning of the new prescription
  • Summary - Simplified checklist for orthotic care
  • Lesson 7 feedback
  • 8. Summary and conclusion
  • More practice with case examples
  • Summary and next steps
  • References for Sections 1-3: Introduction to orthoses and Mechanisms of action
  • References: Sections 4-6. Individualized prescription decisions (Goals, type, design, optimization)
  • References for section 7: Optimizing AFO-footwear combinations
  • Course (Part 2) feedback
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