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APTEI: Plantar Heel Pain

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  • Evaluation
  • Lesson 4: Outcome Measures #1-3
  • L4: Handout
  • Lesson 5: Outcome Measures #4-6
  • L5: Handout
  • Lesson 6: Outcome Measures #7-8
  • L6: Handout
  • Feedback on section #2
  • Management
  • Lesson 7: Options #1-3
  • L7: Handout
  • L7:L Video on Self DF Mobilization
  • Lesson 8: Options #4-6
  • L8: Handout
  • L8: Video on Clock Exercises
  • Lesson 9: Options #7-8
  • L9: Handout
  • L9: Video on hip muscle retraining & AERT
  • Lesson 10: Other interventions
  • L10: Handout
  • Feedback on section #3
  • Central Sensitization
  • Lesson 11: Central Sensitization
  • L11: Handout
  • Feedback on section #4
  • Summary
  • Lesson 12: Summary
  • L12: Handout
  • Quiz!
  • Do you like this course?
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