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Assessing & Treating Dancers and Artistic Athletes

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  • Week 1: Introduction to dance injuries
  • Week 1 Resources
  • Dance is...
  • Barb Leese
  • Dance Science and Medicine
  • Why an Interest in Dance Injuries?
  • Dancers and Pain
  • Dr. Tanya Berg - Dance Culture and Pain
  • How ballerinas dance through pain
  • Risk of Injury
  • What Can We Do?
  • Week 1 Feedback
  • Week 2 - Managing dancers and artistic athletes in the clinic
  • Week 2 Resources
  • Clinical History
  • Clinical Exam
  • Art of Rehabilitation
  • Return to Dance
  • Intro to Concussions in Dance
  • Concussion Assessment
  • Concussion Treatment Planning for Dancers
  • The Pit Crew
  • Nutrition for Dancers
  • Snack Strategy
  • Week 2 Questions
  • Week 2 Feedback
  • Week 3 - Preseason screening
  • Week 3 Resources
  • Introduction to Pointe
  • Important Considerations
  • Pre-Pointe Objective Tests
  • Pre-Pointe Assessment
  • Mid-Session Questions
  • To Screen or Not to Screen
  • Why Are You Screening?
  • Dance Specific Screening Program
  • Functional Tests Part 1
  • Functional Tests Part 2
  • Functional Tests Part 3
  • Closing Questions
  • Week 3 Feedback
  • Week 4 - Hypermobility
  • Week 4 Resources
  • Defining Mobility
  • Clinical Presentation
  • Clinical Assessment
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment and Physical Rehabilitation
  • Exercise Demonstrations
  • Medical Aspects of Hypermobility in the Dancer
  • Hypermobility Disorders
  • Comorbidities
  • Questions Part 1
  • Questions Part 2
  • Week 4 Final Questions
  • Week 4 Feedback
  • Week 5 - The foot & ankle
  • Week 5 Resources
  • Week 5 Introduction
  • Anatomy of the Foot
  • Freiberg's and Cuboid Syndromes
  • Hallux Valgus / Bunions
  • Trigonum and Anterior/Posterior Impingement
  • Achilles
  • Apophysitis
  • Tendinopathy
  • MTSS, Ankle Sprains, and Foot Rehab
  • Flooring and Footwear
  • Week 5 Conclusion
  • Week 5 Questions
  • Week 5 Feedback
  • Week 6 - The hip & knee
  • Week 6 Resources
  • Week 6 Introduction
  • The Story of My Hip - Barbara Leese
  • Neuromuscular Training in Dance - Karen Sudds
  • Summary and Questions
  • The Hip
  • The Competitive Dancer's Hip
  • More Hip Conditions for Dancers
  • The Dancer Experience: Psoas Tear - Selene Guerrero-Trujillo
  • Ishchial Tuberosity and Turnout
  • The Knee
  • Exercise, Treatment, and Conclusion
  • Closing Questions Week 6
  • Week 6 Feedback
  • Week 7 - The pelvic floor
  • Week 7 Resources
  • Week 7 Introduction
  • A Dancer's Perspective - Nathaniel Dolquist
  • What is the Pelvic Floor?
  • Pelvic Floor Conditions and Complications
  • Pelvic Floor Anatomy and Treatment
  • A Dancer's Story with Pregnancy - Rebekah Rimsay
  • Pelvic Floor Exercises
  • New Research in Pelvic Floor Rehab - Brooke Winder
  • Dancers and Incontinence
  • Wrapping Up and Questions
  • Closing Questions Week 7
  • Week 7 Feedback
  • Week 8 - The Strong Dancer
  • Week 8 Resources
  • Week 8 Introduction
  • How Strengthening Affected My Career as a Professional Ballet Dancer - Isabella Gasparini
  • The Performing Athlete
  • Breathing
  • Balance and Turnout
  • Mobility
  • Strengthening the Hypermobile Ballet Dancer - Erica Horwood
  • The Science of Strength
  • Program Delivery
  • Exercises Part 1
  • Exercises Part 2
  • Exercises Part 3
  • Exercises Part 4
  • Conclusion
  • Week 8 Feedback
  • Clinic forms
  • Patient-Specific Functional Scale
  • Pre-Pointe Assessment
  • Pre-Season Screening & Clinical Assessment
  • Diagnostic criteria for hEDS
  • Five-Part Questionnaire for Hypermobility & Beighton Scale Scoresheet
  • Lower Limb Assessment Score Scoresheet
  • Handouts, programs & education
  • Activity modification letter for return to dance
  • Return to dance - Concussion protocol
  • The Dallas Protocol for POTS
  • Dance Bag essentials: foot care 101
  • Pointe Shoe Sewing Guide
  • Return to Jump Program
  • FIFA 11+ Dance - Program handout
  • Additional video content
  • Review of the five ballet positions
  • Révision des cinq positions de ballet
  • The only boy in the room
  • Mental health in dancers
  • The foot in dance
  • Dance shoes
  • Ballet shoes
  • Pointe shoes; sewing & breaking in
  • The Surgeon's Perspective
  • Additional resources
  • Links to Pivot Dancer resource packages
  • Dance medicine resources & associations
  • Glossary of dance terms (APTA)
  • Glossary of dance terms - Hip Hop (APTA)
  • Learn more about concussions
  • Research articles - Hypermobility
  • The NSCA's Basics of Strength and Conditioning Manual
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