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Referred and Radicular Pain Patterns in Orthopaedic Physiotherapy

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  • Handout - Referred and Radicular Pain Patterns in Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
  • Handout - Referred and Radicular Pain Patterns in Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
  • Video Lectures - Introduction
  • Part 1 - Introduction
  • Part 2 - Outline, Purpose & Expectations
  • Part 3 - Creating Context for the Patient
  • Feedback
  • Video Lectures - Referred Pain Patterns in Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
  • Part 4 - Pain Referral Patterns of the TMJ
  • Part 5 - Pain Referral Patterns of the Extremities
  • Part 6 - Pain Referral Patterns of the Cervical and Thoracic Spine
  • Part 7 - Pain Referral Patterns of the Lumbosacral Spine
  • Part 8 - Pain Referral Patterns of the Pelvic Floor
  • Part 9 - Pain Referral Patterns of Myofascial Trigger Points
  • Feedback
  • Video Lectures - Radicular Patterns in Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
  • Part 10 - Radicular Symptom Distribution
  • Part 11 - Maintaining a Broad Context for Radicular Symptoms
  • Part 12 - A Unique and Potentially Challenging Example
  • Feedback
  • Video Lectures - Conclusions
  • Part 13 - Take Home Message & Conclusion
  • Feedback
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