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Train the Trainer Part 4: Sell Your Course

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  • Course Intro
  • Welcome to Train the Trainer Part 4
  • Embodia Academy Oct 2023 Analysis - Results
  • Setting up Promotions on Embodia
  • Ways to discount your course(s) on Embodia
  • Coupon codes for courses
  • Course discounts
  • Course bundles
  • Sales
  • The Viral Loop
  • The Basics of Viral Loop marketing
  • How to Sell 10 Courses this Month
  • Digital Marketing
  • Marketing suggestions
  • Embodia's role in marketing your course(s)
  • SEO and Ranking on Google Search
  • Email marketing
  • Website marketing and the importance of a URL link
  • Social media marketing
  • Marketing on Embodia's website
  • Marketing on Embodia's website - Offering a free complimentary webinar
  • Co-creating content with Embodia
  • Resources
  • Next Steps
  • Congrats! Next Steps
  • Your input is valuable to us. Please share your feedback about this course
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