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APTEI: Pain Truth Certification Training

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  • The Pain Truth Certification Patient Instructions
  • The Pain Truth Program: Introduction
  • Dopamine
  • Lesson 4: Sample Patient (Part I)
  • Lesson 4: Quiz
  • Lesson 5: Dopamine
  • Lesson 5: Quiz
  • Was the information on dopamine valuable?
  • Expectation Violations (1)
  • Lesson 6: Reward Prediction Error (RPE)
  • Lesson 6: Quiz
  • Lesson 7: Hedonic adaptation
  • Lesson 7: Quiz
  • Do you think this information is important to know?
  • Locus of Control
  • Lesson 8: Internal vs. External Locus of Control
  • Lesson 8: Quiz
  • Lesson 9: Sample Patient (Part II)
  • Lesson 9: Quiz
  • Is knowing a patient's locus of control important?
  • Expectation Violations (2)
  • Lesson 10: Pain Prediction Error (PPE)
  • Lesson 10: Quiz
  • Lesson 11: Graded Exposure Therapy (GET)
  • Lesson 11: Quiz
  • Lesson 12: Sample Patient (Part III)
  • Lesson 12: Quiz
  • Summary
  • Lesson 13: Summary
  • Lesson 13: Quiz
  • What did you think of this course?
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