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YIN - An Effective Tool for Clients with Pelvic & Chronic Pain

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  • YIN - An Effective Tool for Clients with Pelvic & Chronic Pain
  • Welcome!
  • Slides
  • Concept of YIN
  • The Who, What, Where, When and Why
  • Sitting on the Floor
  • Bio/Psycho/Social Approach
  • We are NOT Looking for Trigger Points
  • Yin Yoga and Remapping Exercises Build Self-Efficacy
  • Moving Away from Fixer/Fixee
  • Benefits of Body Mapping Exercises
  • Checklist of Conditions Dominated by Central Pain Mechanisms
  • Yin Yoga Prescription Pad
  • Case Study
  • Why Take This Course?
  • Questions
  • Feedback
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