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Idiopathic & Adult Onset Scoliosis - Screening, Assessment & Treatment

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  • Idiopathic & Adult Onset Scoliosis - Screening, Assessment & Treatment
  • Slides
  • Scoliosis Education and Scoliosis Awareness
  • Scoliosis Specific Resources, Education, Publications and Presentations. Bio for Andrea Lebel
  • SOSORT and SRS Guidelines
  • Scoliosis Screening
  • Clinical Assessment and Radiology
  • Scoliosis Specific Physical Examination
  • Physical Exam and Education During Bracing
  • Physical Examination of Sagittal Profile and Posture
  • Radiological Assessment
  • Treatment Goals and Decision Making of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
  • Patient Education on Postural Corrections and ADL
  • Modifications of General/Gym/Yoga Exercises for Scoliosis
  • Scoliosis Specific Physiotherapy and Bracing Scoliosis
  • Lyon Method Scoliosis Specific Education and Bracing
  • Scoliosis as a 3-Dimensional Condition
  • Schroth Method Physiotherapy
  • Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis Specific Exercises Added to Standard Care
  • Cases or All Ages
  • Publications Cases on PSSE for Adults
  • Post Surgical and Neuromuscular Cases Treated with Scoliosis Specific Physiotherapy
  • Exercise Demonstration and In Site of in Clinic and Online Treatment
  • Staying Active, Raise Awareness, Scoliosis Support and Education Programs
  • References
  • Feedback
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