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How to Measure and Treat Central Sensitization in the Clinic

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  • Session 1: Setting the Stage
  • Welcome and Resources
  • Slides
  • Introduction
  • What Is Pain?
  • A Note About Questionnaires/Outcome Measures
  • Central Sensitization
  • Overlapping Pain Classifications
  • What Do We Know?
  • Our Role as Clinicians
  • Central Pain Mechanisms
  • Session 1 Feedback
  • Continue learning!
  • Session 2: Precision Rehabilitation for Central Pain Mechanisms
  • Session 2 Slides: Jilly Bond (6 slides per page)
  • Session 2 Slides: Dr. Judith Thompson (3 slides per page with notes section)
  • Session 2 Slides: Dr. Judith Thompson (2 slides per page)
  • Session 2 Slides: Jilly Bond (2 slides per page)
  • The Fremantle Perineal Awareness Questionnaire
  • The Fremantle Awareness Questionnaire
  • The Pelvic Pain Psychological Screening Questionnaire (3PSQ)
  • Questionnaire Scoring Summary Sheet
  • Sample Intake Questionnaire
  • Case Study #1 - Phase 1: Assessment
  • Phase 2: Desensitization
  • Phase 4: Functional Restoration
  • Phase 5: Supported Independence
  • Framework for a Biopsychosocial Approach
  • Using Questionnaires to Create a Psychologically Informed Practice
  • Case Study #2 - BioPsychoSocial Physiotherapy
  • Interoception & Resilience
  • Questions
  • Session 2 Feedback
  • Session 3: Our “Current Tools” aren’t Perfect but they are a BIG Step Forward
  • Session 3 Slides
  • Introduction
  • Classification of Pain
  • Case #1
  • A Tale of Two Delphi Studies
  • Assessing Nociceptive Processing
  • The Snowflake Analogy
  • Case #2
  • Management of Pain in the Sacroiliac Joint Area
  • Questions
  • Session 3 Feedback
  • Session 4: Final Wrap Up
  • Session 4 Slides
  • Case Study Revisited
  • Takeaways
  • Labels VS Diagnosis
  • Case Study: Robin
  • Quantative Sensory Testing
  • Clinical Reasoning
  • Care Framework
  • Follow-up with Robin
  • Questions
  • Conclusion
  • Written Q&A
  • Session 4 Feedback
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