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Discover to Recover (DTR) - Creative Pain Care for Health Care Practitioners

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  • Session 1
  • Welcome
  • Introduction
  • DARE, BPSS, and the Visual System
  • Breath Practices
  • Movement Snacks
  • Encouraging Movement
  • Body-Awareness vs Regulation
  • Body Mapping & Cervical Rotation
  • Celebrate Process over Product
  • DTR tips for ADL, socializing & hobbies
  • Session 1 Questions
  • Feedback
  • Session 2
  • Breath Awareness vs Regulation Practice
  • Mindfulness and Awareness
  • The Pain Neuromatrix
  • Case Study 1
  • Case Study 2
  • Meta Body Scan
  • The Goldilocks Principle
  • Pain Neuroscience Education
  • Direct vs Indirect Mindfulness
  • Smudging and Closing Comments
  • Audience Questions
  • Feedback
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