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ILM Module 4 - Sound & Sleep in Rehabilitation & Health Promotion

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  • Module 4.1
  • Handouts
  • Overview of Module 4: Sound & Sleep in Rehabilitation & Health Promotion: Fostering Whole Health
  • The Impacts of Emotional Distress
  • Screening & Referral
  • Sound as Therapy
  • The Psychoemotional Facet
  • Historical Context
  • The Brain Body Connection
  • Musicians vs Non-Musicians
  • The Power of Music
  • Feedback
  • Module 4.2
  • Handouts
  • Positive Psychology Evidence Base
  • Stress
  • Positive Psychology Activities
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Evidence Base
  • Using Meditation in Practice
  • Mindfulness Benefits
  • Feedback
  • Module 4.3
  • Handouts
  • The Role of Sound Pt1
  • The Role of Sound Pt2
  • Orofacial Review
  • Vocal Functioning Evidence Base
  • Vocal Functioning Exercise
  • Vocal Optimization Impacts
  • Vocal Practice Pt1
  • Vocal Practice Pt2
  • Feedback
  • Module 4.4
  • Handouts
  • The Role of Sleep
  • Sleep Physiology
  • Sleep & Well-Being
  • Sleep Screening
  • Identifying High Risk Populations
  • Biopsychosocial Sleep Intervention
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Resources and Next Steps
  • Feedback
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