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An Introduction to Pelvic Health

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  • Welcome and Resources
  • Welcome to an Introduction to Pelvic Health
  • Welcome!
  • Outline
  • An Introduction to Pelvic Health
  • What Is The Pelvic Floor & What Does It Do?
  • What Do The Pelvic Floor Muscles Do?
  • Low Back Pain And The Pelvic Floor
  • What Happens When The Pelvic Floor Muscles Are Not Working Optimally?
  • The Squatty Potty
  • Why might the muscles of the pelvic floor not be working optimally?
  • Kegels & Breathing Exercises
  • What Is Pelvic Floor Physio?
  • Feedback
  • Conclusion and Q&A
  • Conclusion
  • Q&A
  • Feedback