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Self-Hypnosis For Stress Management & Burnout Prevention

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  • Introduction
  • Meet Your Course Instructor, Queenie!
  • Literature Review: Hypnosis & Management of Various Health Conditions
  • Literature Review: Hypnosis & Preventing Burnout or Compassion Fatigue
  • Downloadable Resources
  • Self-Screening: Before Getting Started
  • Self-Screening
  • Suggestibility Testing: Can You Be Hypnotized?
  • Suggestibility Testing
  • Self-Hypnosis Steps & Types
  • Self-Hypnosis Steps & Types
  • Let's Get Hypnotized! Step 1: Self-Inductions
  • Self-Inductions
  • Practice: Quick Relaxation Induction
  • Practice: Body Scan Induction
  • Step 2: Self-Deepening Techniques
  • Self-Deepening Techniques
  • Practice: Quick Relaxation Induction + Out-Breath Deepening
  • Practice: Quick Relaxation Induction + Staircase Deepening
  • Practice: Body Scan Induction + Out-Breath Deepening
  • Practice: Body Scan Induction + Staircase Deepening
  • Step 3: Goal Setting & Script Writing
  • Goal Setting & Script Writing
  • Step 4: Self-Hypnosis Instruction
  • Self-Hypnosis Instruction
  • Step 5: Post-Hypnotic Suggestion
  • Post-Hypnotic Suggestion
  • Step 6: Count Out
  • Counting Out
  • A Complete Guided Hypnosis Session for Relaxation & Self-Compassion
  • Practice: Full Guided Hypnosis Session For Relaxation & Self-Compassion
  • How To: Build A New Habit & Master A New Skill
  • Master Self-Hypnosis: Making It A Habit
  • Master Self Hypnosis: One Goal At A Time
  • How To: Maximize The Benefits Of Self-Hypnosis
  • Maximize The Benefits Of Self-Hypnosis
  • Self-Hypnosis At Home & Additional Relaxation/Self-Care Techniques
  • Two Self-Hypnosis Techniques at Home
  • 13 Additional Relaxation & Self-Care Techniques
  • What's Next?
  • Next Steps!
  • Course Feedback: Share Your Thoughts On This Course With Queenie!